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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

Is Reading the Key to Your Child’s Academic Success?

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison As parents, we all want our children to succeed academically. Let’s explore how something as simple as reading can profoundly impact your child’s educational journey. Reading isn’t just about enjoying stories, it’s a superpower for your child’s brain! Studies show that […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

What makes slow Learners unique and how can we support them?

What makes slow Learners unique and how can we support them? “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein As parents and educators, we strive to provide the best education and prepare […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

Is nano learning transforming the way students learn?

Observing the evolution of learning methods is like witnessing schools of fish swimming by, each offering unique value and contribution. In the ever changing ocean of education, nano learning emerges as a formidable shark, showcasing its distinctive character and efficiency, especially in response to the challenges posed by shrinking attention spans among students. Did you […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

The Hidden Costs of Financial Illiteracy and What You Need to Know

The Hidden Costs of Financial Illiteracy and What You Need to Know. You might have heard about it before, but do you really know why it matters? Let’s take a look into the real costs of financial illiteracy, and trust me, they’re more than just numbers on a page. Debt, Debt, and More Debt – […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

The Crucial Role of Reading Assessments

In the bustling world of early childhood education, reading assessments emerge as indispensable guides for both educators and young learners alike. These assessments serve as invaluable tools in understanding a child’s progress, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, and tailoring instruction to meet their unique needs. First and foremost, reading assessments offer educators a clear snapshot of […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

The Crucial Role of Parental Involvement

As parents, we’re always striving to give our children the best possible start in life. From the moment they’re born, we’re their first teachers, guiding them through the wonders of the world. And when it comes to their education, particularly in the realm of literacy, our involvement is paramount. Research consistently shows that parents who […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

Why Reading Comprehension Matters

Reading comprehension is not just about understanding words on a page; it’s a vital skill that forms the foundation of academic achievement. Here’s why it’s so important: Understanding Complex Texts: In school and beyond, students encounter a variety of complex texts across different subjects. Strong reading comprehension skills enable them to grasp the main ideas, […]

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Fulail Akram Taha Akram Taha
0 comments July 27, 2024

How to Encourage Your Child to Put Down Devices and Pick Up Books

Are you concerned about your child’s screen time? Worried that their device addiction might be hindering their love for reading? You’re not alone. Many parents today face the challenge of balancing technology with traditional forms of learning like reading. Here are a few simple strategies to help your child put down their devices and rediscover […]

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